I’m so pleased you are thinking about joining Stampin’ Up! and my team. Below you will find answers to some of the questions I get asked about joining. But, if there is anything I haven’t covered, do please contact me if you have further questions.  

Who can join? Anyone, as long as you are over 18 years of age, and live in the UK, Ireland, Belgium, France, Germany, The Netherlands or Austria.

How much does it cost? *£99 (129 €) and you can simply choose any current catalogue products to the value of £130 (175€).   You also receive a business supplies kit which includes catalogues, order forms and everything needed to get your business started. The starter kit is shipped directly to your home for FREE within approx 3-4 working days of signing up.

Do I have to demonstrate? We would love you to but you don’t have to. If you can reach the manageable quarterly minimums with your own purchases you can simply join and benefit from the discounts and deals. There is no pressure from me as your ‘upline’ or from Stampin’ Up! but if you change your mind and want to start a class or two or sell to friends or customers you can. You are in charge and you set your own targets and goals. It is so easy to share what you are passionate about and Stampin’ Up! offers some great incentives to get you sharing and earning so there is lots of scope to earn, promote and be rewarded simply by sharing what you love and the fantastic products.

What is the quarterly minimum? The quarterly minimum sales target is 300 CSV (approx £280).  Whenever sales are mentioned in the Compensation Plan, they won’t be shown in local currency.  In order to make our compensation plan applicable to all markets, regardless of currency, we use a common measurement, commissionable sales volume or CSV.

Your first quarterly minimum needs to be reached at the end of a full quarter and if you join part way through a quarter you will be given until the end of the next quarter to reach your minimum. Quarters are as follows Jan-Mar, Apr-Jun, Jul-Sept, Oct-Dec. If you cannot achieve a quarterly minimum, Stampin’ Up! will give you an extra month to meet your targets. If you can’t then you revert back to being one of my customers and no longer receive the discount. You have zero, zilch, nada, obligation to place any further orders once you have your starter kit. You keep your kit, there is no sending anything back, it is yours to keep should you not continue to be active.

What discounts do I get? On orders placed you receive a minimum of 20% discount excluding some items that are in the ‘supply list’. You can earn more commission the more sales you make in a month and any extra commission payments are calculated at the end of the month and paid direct in the bank account of your choice mid-way through the following month. You also get the chance to pre-order products a month earlier than the general release as well as very generous offers and discounts including hostess benefits on all eligible orders.

When you sign up as a demo, you receive the title of Bronze.  As you build your business, you can advance to subsequent titles and if/when you reach the next title of Bronze Elite you will receive 25% discount on your future orders/sales.

What training/support will I receive? I have several years of experience and knowledge and can help you as little or as much as you need.  There is also lots of info shared on the demonstrator website. We have a dedicated demo support helpline who are amazing.

Do I have to hold stocks of product? No. You will only order items when you or a customer places an order and pays you in advance. So you won’t need to keep stock of products.

How do I join? To join, all you need to do is complete these quick and simple steps

  1. Click the £99  Starter Kit button below
  2. Read the demonstrator agreement and agree to the terms and conditions
  3. Click the Starter kit at £99
  4. Click the business supplies pack
  5. Add £130 worth of any products to the order (you cannot go over so get your list as close to it as you can!)
  6. Pay £99

Join here – click to choose your Starter Kit

*Price may vary.